Monday, February 25, 2013

Jason Warner Differentiated Instruction

Jason Warner Literature Review
Title: Differentiated Instruction
Author: Basia Hall
In this article Mr. Hall talks about the need and methods for differentiating math instruction for students of all levels. She recommends focusing differentiated instruction on three areas.
1) pacing
2) depth
3) student interest
 With pacing she talks about the need to both speed up instruction for higher students by providing extension activities and making time to slow down for lower students.
In regards to depth there is also the need to provide options for giving opportunities for students who are ready to explore a topic at more depth and also knowing when to stop for students and not go deeper than is needed.
For student interest she feels that by paying attention to pacing and depth the students will be better able to maintain their interest level.
Ways of differentiating included flexible grouping and differentiating content, process, and product.

By reading this article I can now better understand the method and procedures for differentiating and the need to do it.

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