Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Cindy Fonnesbeck Nine Ways to Catch Kids Up

Cindy Fonnesbeck Literature Review

Title: Nine Ways to Catch Kids Up

Author: Marilyn Burns

Summary: In every class there are struggling learners.  Ms. Burns list the nine important strategies to help students catch up.
            1.  Determine and scaffold the essential mathematics content. 
                        What is the most important skill and organize it in manageable chunks.
            2.  Pace lessons carefully.
                    Many struggling students need more time and practice to grasp the concept.
            3. Build in a Routine of Support
                        Make sure students understand what has been taught before letting them
                        work independently.
            4.  Foster student interaction.
                        Let students mingle and talk about what they have learned to help them
                        internalize what has been taught.
            5. Make connections explicit.
                        Use explicit instruction to help students make connections with math
            6. Encourage mental calculations.
                        When students calculate mentally they improve their number sense.
            7. Help students use written calculations to track thinking.
                        Let paper and pencil be a tool to track their thinking.
            8. Provide practice.
                        Provide practice that supports the elements of what you have scaffolded.
                        Practice can include problems and games.
            9. Build vocabulary instruction.
                        Teach vocabulary and use it often when working with your students.

Analysis:  Struggling students need interventions before, during, and after the concept has been taught.  One suggestion from this article I think to be effective would be to teach the concept to the strugglers before the rest of the class.  By doing this the students will be double dipped and they can experience success while learning with the whole class.

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